Red Boost – Destroyer ED Supplement Review

Red Boost contains ingredients designed to increase blood circulation. L-arginine increases nitric oxide production in the body and relaxes and widens blood vessels, contributing to healthier blood flow and increasing erection strength.
Formula also contains horny goat weed extract, which has vasodilating effects on the penis. This can help improve erectile function in men who suffer from prostate issues like benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
This supplement is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee and free shipping for orders of six bottles or more.
1. L-Arginine
Red Boost contains L-Arginine to increase production of Nitric Oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and boosts healthy blood flow, naturally relaxing them for greater relaxation and increased flow. This vasodilating property of Red Boost can help improve sexual drive and erectile function as well as orgasm intensity and help men achieve harder erections. Plus it is made entirely out of organic ingredients for maximum safety and health benefits for body.
L-arginine stands for levorotatory, which refers to how it binds with other molecules in your body. As an amino acid – one of the building blocks of proteins used by your body for many vital processes – L-arginine is one of the essential amino acids required by your diet and one of its primary requirements for human beings.
L-citrulline has long been used in preworkout supplements as a muscle pump enhancer; now its manufacturers have gone one step further to add it into a sexual performance formula as studies have proven its ability to increase nitric oxide levels, making it easier for men to obtain and sustain an erection.
Another key ingredient in this product is stinging nettle extract, which has been shown to improve prostate health while simultaneously increasing sexual arousal and decreasing stress levels, both of which have an impact on sexual function. Meanwhile, other ingredients in the formula provide support for healthy circulation and metabolism – such as beetroot extract’s ability to increase blood sugar sensitivity while decreasing insulin resistance.
2. Horny Goat Weed Extract
Horny goat weed (Epimedium) has long been used in traditional medicine as both a tonic and an aphrodisiac, due to its numerous compounds like icariin and phytoestrogens that have been shown to improve sexual function for both men and women alike. Furthermore, this vasodilator acts as a blood pressure reducer.
Horny Goat Weed Extract is an integral component of Red Boost ED Supplement. Together with L-Arginine and beet root extract, it works together to increase nitric oxide production – relaxing blood vessels and improving circulation while increasing testosterone production for sexual health benefits. As an adaptogenic herb it also can reduce stress and anxiety that are known to lower libido.
Horny goat weed contains icariin, an ingredient similar to those used in ED medications, that inhibits phosphodiesterase type 5. By increasing cGMP levels and helping improve blood flow into the penis and producing an erection, as well as increasing estrogen, it may provide postmenopausal women with relief.
Studies with 63 men who suffered from mild to moderate erectile dysfunction showed that using Horny Goat Weed Extract along with 12 other herbs significantly improved libido and decreased their need for medication. It has also been discovered to help relieve symptoms associated with BPH, which commonly occurs among older men.
Horny goat weed is generally safe to use; however, it may interact with certain medications used for high blood pressure or cholesterol reduction. Furthermore, it may increase production of the enzyme CYP3A4, decreasing their effectiveness and potentially altering any prescribed regimens that rely on its breakdown. Therefore, before adding any new supplements to your regimen it’s wise to consult your healthcare provider first.
3. Beetroot Extract
Red Boost’s beetroot powder is well-known for increasing blood flow, by converting nitrates to nitric oxide and relaxing blood vessels to improve the flow. This allows more blood to reach muscles during workouts and boosts performance levels significantly.
Beetroot juice has also been shown to improve cognition by increasing levels of nitric oxide in the brain, according to research published in Nutrients. One such study also showed that regular consumption can boost cognitive performance among older adults. Nitrates may also lower blood pressure and inflammation.
Nitrates are an essential component of Red Boost formula, along with L-Arginine and Horny Goat Weed Extract. Together these three ingredients work to increase blood flow and nitric oxide production within the body to boost libido and testosterone levels while at the same time decreasing stress and anxiety that contributes to low libido and mood. In addition, Red Boost contains an adaptogenic herb to aid in combatting stress-related low libido and mood.
Red Boost’s main ingredient, beet root powder, gives the supplement its distinctive red hue and can also provide many other health benefits for exercise and sexual function. Beet root powder has long been recognized for improving workout performance by increasing blood flow to muscles during gym sessions and improving penis blood flow, leading to stronger and longer-lasting erections as well as increasing orgasms during sexual intercourse sessions. Furthermore, beet root powder may reduce blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disease.
4. Citrulline
Red Boost’s key ingredient is citrulline, an amino acid which can improve blood flow and promote muscle growth. Commonly found in preworkout supplements to increase intensity during workouts and aid post-workout recovery, citrulline also has numerous additional health benefits such as supporting cardiovascular health, maintaining normal blood pressure levels, and improving metabolism.
This supplement’s primary ingredient is l-citrulline malate, an effective form of citrulline that has been demonstrated to increase blood flow and nitric oxide production. Although not an essential amino acid (meaning the body can synthesize it on its own), supplementation of l-citrulline malate has become popular as an energy booster and performance enhancer; studies have also demonstrated its ability to enhance oxygen uptake and protein synthesis for strength training activities.
Stinging nettle root, another key component in this supplement, has been shown to significantly enhance sexual function and prostate health in men. It does so by blocking 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, responsible for turning testosterone into dihydrotestosterone which contributes to enlarged prostates as well as other issues relating to prostates. Stinging nettle can also increase libido and orgasm intensity.
This product also contains lemon juice powder and acerola cherry powder, both high in vitamin C. These antioxidants can protect the body from free radical damage while supporting immunity, improving blood flow by increasing production of nitric oxide to transport immune cells throughout the body and reduce inflammation post workout recovery as well as boost energy levels and enhance mental focus.
5. Adaptogenic Herbs
Red Boost contains L-arginine and beetroot extract as well as adaptogen herbs such as ashwagandha and rhodiola to improve blood flow, known as adaptogens. These nutrients have been used for millennia due to their health-promoting properties: adaptogens help the body adjust to stress more easily while countering its harmful effects – something unmanaged stress can do by decreasing testosterone levels and increasing risks for certain diseases.
Adaptogenic herbs work holistically with your nervous, immune and endocrine systems to help you cope with life’s many stresses. They may also increase mental stamina and sexual function.
They’re also great at relieving inflammation within the body; for instance, rhodiola helps combat an increase in lipid peroxidation caused by bacteria to prevent stress-related gastric ulcers; ashwagandha can help you remain calm under pressure and promote regular sleep cycles; both are proven ways to boost testosterone production for improved libido and physical performance.
Some individuals might respond to feelings of stress by turning to stimulants, but these can actually deplete energy over time. Instead, add adaptogenic herbs into your daily diet for an alternative approach to relieving anxiety.
These adaptogenic herbs thrive under harsh conditions, making them the perfect aid to help you overcome daily life’s obstacles. You can find adaptogenic powders in smoothies or soup recipes. Or use them to create herbal tea.
Sage can help soothe colds and flu symptoms with its soothing infusion. Add a sprinkle of licorice root to your drink to ease stomach ache or coughs. Furthermore, jiaogulan supports healthy inflammation responses as well as protecting against cell damage.